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Spring League Rules

Game Rules

Games will be played under modified FIBA rules. The rationale for all these changes is to maximize actual playing time and to encourage player development.

  • 4v4 or 5v5 depending on the division. 
  • Games are to be finished within1hr of total duration (We hope approximately 50 minutes).
    • 5 minute warm up (if previous game finishes early players may warm up as soon as game is complete or if there is another gym open, they can warm up there)
    • 8 x 5-minute running time periods.
      • Periods 1-2 compose the 1st quarter.
      • Periods 3-4 compose the 2nd quarter.
      • Periods 5-6 compose the 3rd quarter.
      • Periods 7-8 compose the 4th quarter
    • Halftime is between 2nd and 3rd quarter and will last 2 minutes.
    • There are to be no breaks between 1st and 2nd or 3rd and 4th quarters except for substituting players.
    • Time stops on:
      • Shift change (every 5 minutes) – as currently done in Major Atom and younger in the OBA.
      • On timeout – each team is allowed 3 timeouts in total. Each is 1 minute in duration. It is to be called through the scorer’s bench on a dead ball or made basket following FIBA procedures.
  • Fouls:
    • There will be no foul shots.
    • Non-shooting fouls will follow FIBA rules.
    • On 5+th team foul per quarter, each non shooting foul, the team that was fouled will receive 1 point + retain possession out of bounds.
    • On a shooting foul, the basket automatically counts and defensive team takes ball out of bounds on the base line (as if they were scored upon).
      • If the player scores and is fouled on the shot, their team will count the basket AND receive 1 point for the foul.
    • Players fouls are not tracked.
  • If a technical or unsporting foul is issued, the other team will receive 2 points plus possession. As per FIBA rules on 2 technical fouls, the player or coach is ejected.
  • 3-point shot is not in play for U12 or U14 ages. It will be used in U16.
  • Equal play will be enforced. Minor officials to monitor.
  • There is NO overtime. Games may end tied.

Equal Participation rules

Coaches are required to provide playing time for all players present at the game who have been registered with their team. This rule will be in effect for the entire game.

  • No player may exceed more than 1 shift than any other player on the team by the conclusion of the game. 
  • Teams will be permitted to shift their players back-to-back where necessary to prevent this.
  • Substitutions are permitted for medical reasons at any time. The shift will apply to the injured player. The substitute will not have it counted towards their shifts.
  • A player who leaves a shift due to injury or medical reasons shall not return to the game during the same shift. They main re-join at the start of any future shift. They still must play the minimum number of shifts. IF a player is unable to return due to injury, this should be marked on the scoresheet as INJURED, starting with the shift they were injured in. In that case, they will not be required to play the minimal number of shifts but everyone else still should.

It is the responsibility of all coaches to check the score sheet for accuracy of shift tracking. If there is an error, both coaches must attempt to resolve the issue before leaving the facility.

Should a violation in equal participation occur, it is the responsibility of the coach to raise this issue with the League convener.

If a violation has occurred, teams are still required to finish playing the game and any further action regarding forfeiture will be handled afterwards.

Defense rules

  1. Person to person defense only – no zone is allowed. Double teaming is not allowed unless it occurs in a help and recover situation. Players cannot stay in a double team for more than a 2 count. Coaches are to monitor their own teams. If infractions are deemed to be on purpose, the team may forfeit the game.

    This rule will be extremely difficult to enforce and monitor. The hope is all teams work within the spirit of the rules and work with their players to teach them proper defensive techniques. If one team feels double teaming is happening repeatedly against their players, please be courteous and respectful in pointing this out to your opponent. The opposing coach is expected to listen and talk with his/her players to prevent this from occurring.
  2. Pressing:
    1. No pressing at the U12 level. 
    2. Pressing is allowed at the U14 and older levels. 
    3. Referees will enforce the drop back rules.
  3. Drop Back Rule:
    When a team leads by 15 points or more OR pressing is not permitted, its players must immediately ‘drop back’ into their backcourt behind the eight-second line once the defending team secures player control of the ball (dribbling or holding the ball) in its backcourt.

    The new offensive team shall be allowed to dribble the ball unimpeded across the eight-second line and establish frontcourt status.

    Violation of the rule stated above will result in the ball being awarded out-of-bounds to the same team, at the frontcourt sideline, at the free throw line extended.

    Repeated violations of this rule may result in a delay of game penalty. More than one delay of game penalty shall result in a technical foul (B) to the offending team.

League Rankings

Teams will receive:

  • 2 points for a win
  • 1 point for a tie
  • 0 points for a loss.

Final standings will be ordered by:

  1.  Total points received for wins and ties.
  2. If ties persist:
    1. Between 2 teams
      1. Head to head record
      2. If tied but played more than 1 game use points scored for vs. against differential (max 15 points per game).
      3. If tied or didn't play each other, coin flip.
    2. Between 3+ teams
      1. Record just between those teams. The team with the most points gets the top ranking. 
        1. If ALL teams are still tied, calculate the points scored for and against for all teams with the max differential of 15 points per game. The team with the highest ranking gets the top seed.
        2. If 3 or more teams are still tied, continue with 2.1 using the remaining teams.
        3. If only 2 teams remain, use the 2 team tiebreaking rules.

Championship Rules

All rules from the regular season remain in affect except games cannot end in a tie.

In case of a tie, we will be using an ELAM ending with the following rules:

  1. We will play a maximum 4:00 min OT period.
  2. Any players on your roster may play.
  3. Team fouls are NOT reset (so if you are in bonus you will remain in bonus).
  4. Whatever the current tied score is (e.g. 50-50), we will set the ELAM ending to be +5. So if either team gets to 55 or more before the period expires, they win. 
  5. If neither team scores 5 points in OT, then whoever has the most points at the end of the OT period, wins. 
  6. IF still is tied, we will do the same thing for 1 more 4:00 period but it is sudden death. First team to get 1 point no matter how, will win.